canviar de ciutat, de feina, d'amics... un dels meus hobbies, què us he de dir! començar de zero... m'agrada i a la vegada em fa ser cada cop més forta... però no sempre es pot ser forta i a vegades caus i no saps com aixecar-te... Al final he après a plantar arrels i aquí estic, a Munic amb el meu xicot i una preciositat de fillet :)


diumenge, d’agost 13, 2006

estic a casa de la tomoe i el chinchan!!!!

q fort, q fort! el germa de la tomoe (la camp leader del work camp) es diu chinchan!!! em pixo!!!

anyway, el work camp s`ha acabat... sniff sniff... ha estat genial, la gent increible: coreans, japonesos, el damien de franca, el flo de frankfurt i la ebru de turquia. Tots barrejats, staff i youth, pq la diferencia d`edat no era gaire gran.. molt xul.lo. els locals (gent del poble o de la regio) molt majos tots. Encara que no parlessin gaire angles, simpatics i amb ganes de comunicar/se.

\Tic una mica tristeta que s`hagi acabat, jopines.. home, no es que no vulgui tornar a europa, si que tinc ganes de tornar a schwall, home sweet home, pero no tinc ganes de tornar a treballar!!! m`he passat tots aquests dies a fora, al carrer, dormint a terra de tatami, amb futon, menjant seient al terra, no he utilitzat una cadira en dies, m`he dutxat al riuet (i tb a onsen o banys publics japonesos), he menjat arros per esmorzar, dinar i sopar, mmmm... m`encanta!!! Tara, prepara`t pq em sembla que quan torni nomes menjare japones... :>

pos res, felicito la gent que ha fet els anys, com la Nurieta, Roland, Vanessa, Esther, Ralph, qui mes qui mes... uff uff... bueno, tb als que em deixi. I marieta mameta, si no puc escriure et felicito pel sant en avancat, ok?

molts petonets per tots i com aqui diuen: mata ne i genki dene (cuideu/vos)!!!! i no oblideu que no sabem que pot passar dema, per tant: a disfrutar (com diu sempre el guillem) i carpe diem!!!!

ok, let*s do it in english, sorry german people, can`t no german anymore...

unbelievable,tomoe`s brother`s name is chinchan, like the cartoon`s character!!!! very funny.

anyway, work camp has finished... sniff sniff... it`s been great, people really nice: coreans, japonese, damien from france, flo from frankfurt, ebru from turkey. All together, youth and staff, because the age difference was not so big... super cool (like seiko always says). local people also very nice, specially miki san and joshii! I miss them a lot... Although they can`t speak english very good, they were always willing to comunicate and learn about other cultures.

i`m a little bit sad because the work camp finished... it`s no that I dont want to come back to europe, no no no, I want to be in schwall again, I miss you people a lot, home sweet home, but I don`t want to have to work again!!! All these days I was the whole time outside, in the street, forest or fields, I slept on the ground on tatami ground with a futon, we ate sitting on tatami, I`ve used a chair for ages... I` ve had a shower in the river or spring or in an onsen (Japanese public bath), I`ve eaten rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner, mmmm oishii!!! (delicious in japanese) I like it a lot!!! Tara, be prepared, I think the first days I`m here I will only eat rice and japanese food!!! :>

I also want to gratulate the people whose birthday was in these past days and excuse me if I couln`t gratulate you the day of your birthday, but in japan my mobiles dont work and I had no internet... so: Nurieta, Roland, Vanessa, Esther, Ralph, who else, who else...uff uff... happy birthday to all of you, hope you had a nice birthday. gratulation also to you, maybe I can`t connect on your name`s day.

a lot of kisses for all of you and like the Japanese people say: mata ne (see you) and genki dene (take care)!!! and never forget that we don`t know what will come next, so please... be happy and enjoy your day: carpe diem!!!!!!!!!!!!

missing you all,nuria