canviar de ciutat, de feina, d'amics... un dels meus hobbies, què us he de dir! començar de zero... m'agrada i a la vegada em fa ser cada cop més forta... però no sempre es pot ser forta i a vegades caus i no saps com aixecar-te... Al final he après a plantar arrels i aquí estic, a Munic amb el meu xicot i una preciositat de fillet :)


divendres, d’agost 18, 2006

des de hiroshima mon amour

ei people, I`m in hiroshima and it rains and rains and rains... typhoon is coming and I hope I can take de shinkansen tonight to Nara... tomorrow at 23.15 plane back to Munic... sniff sniff..
now I`m looking for a gingko tree... people in the tourist office were going crazy because we couldn`t found the temple Roland told me, where the gingko tree actually is... now I`ve found it in the internet and have only one hour to go there and take a picture... I small mission in my trip. Quite exciting!!

I also was by the hair dresser and now I`m another manga/girl!!! quite funny anyway.

Seiko and Tomoe thanks for everything, I miss you a lot!!! sniff sniff

From Hiroshima mon amour! petonets,nuria

By the way, Daniel Lidl, happy birthday, I won`t be able to celebrate your birthday with you all tonight, but I`m looking forward to our party next friday or saturday.