canviar de ciutat, de feina, d'amics... un dels meus hobbies, què us he de dir! començar de zero... m'agrada i a la vegada em fa ser cada cop més forta... però no sempre es pot ser forta i a vegades caus i no saps com aixecar-te... Al final he après a plantar arrels i aquí estic, a Munic amb el meu xicot i una preciositat de fillet :)


diumenge, d’agost 20, 2006

life is unfair (second try of post from Dubai)

me cago en la... acabo d'esciure un super post en catala i en angles i el p. ordinador, quan he clicat en 'publish post' no ha carregat la pagina i me l'ha perdut. Si no fos dissenyadora multimedia i els ordinadors no fossin la meva eina principal i imprescindible de treball, els odiaria profundament! Estic de vacances, em permet aixo odiar-los? ni que sigui per un dia, porfa!!!!

Ja torno a ser a Dubai, despres d'haver viatjat com unes vuit hores, haver sopat i esmorzat de luju i haver vist 'The sound of music' (sonrisas y lagrimas) -Toni, aquesta per tu!!!- i 'Spring snow' ( japonesa). Tambe he dormit una miqueta, pero a l'avio feia un fred que et mories, o sigui que si el dilluns no puc anar a treballar, que sigui culpa dels Emirates, que m'han fet encostipar!!!!


f.u.c.k.i.n.g computer... I've just written a super email in Catalan and English and this f. computer, just at the moment of publishing it, has deleted my wonderful post!!! If I weren't multimedia desinger and computers weren't my main and most important working tool, I'd really hate them! Hey, I'm on holiday, so maybe I'm allowed to hate them? please, just only for one day, I beg you!!!

I'm again in Dubai, like three weeks ago, after travelling roughly eight hours, having had dinner and breakfast and have watched 'The sound of music' -Toni, this one is for you!!!! remember when...- and 'Spring snow', a Japanese movie. I've also slept a little bit, but it was so cold on the aircraft that I almost got frozen!!! Sorry colleagues, but if on Monday I'm ill, it's all Emirates fault, they are alone one and only guilty and responsible entity for my illness!!