una catalana per Munic

canviar de ciutat, de feina, d'amics... un dels meus hobbies, què us he de dir! començar de zero... m'agrada i a la vegada em fa ser cada cop més forta... però no sempre es pot ser forta i a vegades caus i no saps com aixecar-te... Al final he après a plantar arrels i aquí estic, a Munic amb el meu xicot i una preciositat de fillet :)


dimecres, d’agost 30, 2006

Elecció conjunta d'un futur proper ;o)

A vore, el dia 7 de febrer de 2007 se m'acaba el Jahresabo del tren Augsburg - Munic. A partir d'aquest dia el futur està obert...

1) me'n vaig a viure a Munic

2) amb la tranquilitat del món, deixo la feina, faig les maletes i me'n torno a Manresa, al meu piset boniquet on no he de pagar lloguer i on puc buscar tranquilament feina per Barcelona i disfrutar de la vida amb la meua estimada xamaneta i els meus estimadets papets, aviets, amics i amigues i moooolts milions d'etcéteres!!

Voti voti voti, qui s'atreveix a decidir el meu futur??? ja ja ja!

Besets, núria (la que es ratlla i canvia d'opinió i de futur un cop al dia com a mínim)

Info für meinen Ska Friends (if I have some, of course!)


- tomorrow (31st August) there's a Skatalites concert in München, in Backstage FOR FREE!!!!!!!!

- on the 5th do you know who plays in Hansa 39??? Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra

- and on the 7th again a ska band from Japan (Dallax) in Augsburg, in the Musik Kantine!

So, let's go there and dance!!!!!!!!!!!

dimarts, d’agost 29, 2006

una ani-girl i un ani-boy = zwei Geburtstagskinder!!

Eps, que hi ha fotos de la party, lo que us vau perdre!

I el que us esteu perdent cada vespre, doncs em van regalar un DVD-Player i com que sóc una addicte a les pel.lis, doncs ja sabeu què faig cada vespre quan estic per casa fent el sopar o parlant per telèfon ;)

Moltes fotos de la Tomoe!!!

Hey people, I'm a desaster... I'm so lazy to sort my pictures out, that I was at Tomoe's blog and just stole some pictures of her... ;)

Here they are:

Així vaig voltar pel Japó...

dilluns, d’agost 28, 2006

coses que es poden fer durant un cap de setmana...

1. Celebrar l'aniversari amb els amics
2. Dormir
3. Anar a la piscina per acabar-te de despertar i treure't la ressaca
4. Sortir de festa amb els amics amb qui el dia abans has celebrat l'aniversari per així motivar-vos mútuament i reunir forces per continuar la festa
4. Esmorzar amb la teva companya de pis per posar-la al dia
5. Dormir
6. Parlar amb la germana per telèfon per adonar-te que el que has fet durant el cap de setmana és el que fa normalment la gent de la teva edat
7. Dormir

Things that a normal person of 27 years old can do at the weekend...
1. Celebrate your birthday with your friends
2. Sleep
3. Go to the swimming-pool to finish with your sleepy state and hang-over
4. Go partying with the same friends, with whom you celebrated your birthday last night, so you can motivate each other and collect power to continue partying
4. Have breakfast with your flatmate to update her with the new gossips
5. Sleep

6. Talk to your sister on the phone to realise that what you've done during the weekend is the same that the most people from your age do
7. Sleep

divendres, d’agost 25, 2006

tallat japonès...

el meu nom en alemany...

és Nurja!!!!

Empanada day

Amb aquest nom acabo de batejar el dia d'avui, dia en què la Núria i el Dan cel.lebren el seu aniversari! ole ole ole

With this name I've baptised the day of today, day on which Núria and Dan are going to celebrate their birthday! ole ole ole

I us preguntareu a què es deu aquest nom taaaaaan original? doncs a allò que vam estar fent de les 7 de la tarda d'ahir a 2/4 d'1 de la nit: EMPANADA GALLEGA. I no una, no, sinó quatre!!!! dues de carn, una de tonyina i una de verdures pels p. (com diu l'Anja) vegetarians.
Sort que l'Anja i jo ens prenem les coses amb musiquilla, bailoteo, vinillu i tot allò que fa falta per fer d'una feina dura el millor i més divertit aconteixament del món (o si més no d'am Schwall 5).

Maybe you are curious about the reason why the day of today is called "empanada day"... are you? well, it due to what Anja and me did yesterday evening, from 7pm to 0.30am: EMPANADA GALLEGA. And we cooked not only one empanada, but four! two meat empanadas, one with tuna and one with vegetables for our f. vegetarian guests (like Anja says).
It was really good that Anja and me cooked together, so we listened to music, danced (only me :( , drank wine and did everything to make a hard work becoming the funniest event of the world (ok, maybe not of the world, but of Am Schwall 5).

La veritat és que les empanades han quedat de muerte. Bé, ahir només vam poder provar el farciment, però ostres, ja ens l'haguéssim fotut a cullerades!! mmmm... enveja? apa, per no venir! (llengota)

It's worth mentioning, that the empandas are really delicious (oishii!!! -in Japanese-). Well, yesterday we could only try the stuffing, but it was so oishii, that we'd have eaten spoon after spoon!!! mmm... do you envy us? remember that we're also invited!!!

Doncs res, tot preparat per la festa: la bowle ja tà eingesetzt (pels no-alemanys: bowle és una beguda amb fruites, vi o cava i alguna beguda més forteta, com ara el vodka, rom, etc. Per anar bé, s'han de posar les fruites amb la beguda forta un dia abans a amacerar.. mmmm...), el menjar tb està fet i només em falta acabar tota la feina (me cago en el Roland, que m'ha tornat a deixar sola fins divendres que ve!!) i cap a casa falta gent. Només espero que quan surti de la feina no plogui, pq com que em vaig vendre el tiquet del mvv (metro) de l'agost per ebay, no tinc tiquet i ara vinc en bici. És divertit això de venir en bici, sobretot perquè passo per la Theresienwiese, que és on al setembre té lloc l'Oktoberfest (la festa de la birra) i vaig veient com van els avenços de construcció dels pavellons que d'aquí a menys d'un mes estaran a vessar de gent i turistes més borratxos que una cuba!

Party is already prepared: bowle is ready, food also and I just have to finish all the work I have (me cago en Roland, he's left me alone again!!) and go home. I only hope that on the way to the train station it doesn't rain, as I came by bike today... And you know what? on the way to work, I have to cross the Theresienwiese, where Oktoberfest takes place! It's quite interesting to see how they're building the enormous halls, which in less than one months will be full with drunk people!

Ah, per cert, preparatius per la Wiesn (Oktoberfest): encara m'he de comprar el dindl, vestit tradicional bavarès, súper sexy, no vegis, t'apuja els pits i te'ls treu enfora!!! com a l'edat mitjana més o menys...

Other things to prepare for the Wiesn (Oktoberfest): I still have to buy me a dindl, the traditional bavarian dress, super sexy, with breast push-up for women!

Vaig a treballar, que avui és com fer dues maratons seguides, només faig que tenir entregues i més entregues... gott!!!

Ok, I'm gonna work again... today is also called: deadline day... jeeeez!!!

dimecres, d’agost 23, 2006

Ich bin wieder da!!! (ja torno a ser aquí!)

Ei gent, que torno a parar per Alemanya!!!

Que bonic que ha estat tornar aquí i trobar-me la Genescà-family a Augsburg, a 50m de casa meva!! Han estat fins avui al matí per aquí, voltant casa dia d'un lloc a altre i hem passat el vespre junts. Molt bonicu!!! els trobaré a faltar, ara sí que tornaré a estar soleta soleta... I'm so lonely...

nooooooo!!!! que l'11 de setembre arriben la Rosa i el David! i el 12 la nurieta!!! ole ole!

Ah, by the way, aquest divendres faig festa cumple, qui vulgui venir...

On Friday is my birthday party, please come to Augsburg!!!!

mireu quina foto li acabo de mangar a la Vane del seu fotoblog!

Això és del cap de setmana de juliol que vam anar al Forggensee i la que quasi no es veu sóc jo!!!

Que bonic que és Alemanya, eh??!

diumenge, d’agost 20, 2006

life is unfair (second try of post from Dubai)

me cago en la... acabo d'esciure un super post en catala i en angles i el p. ordinador, quan he clicat en 'publish post' no ha carregat la pagina i me l'ha perdut. Si no fos dissenyadora multimedia i els ordinadors no fossin la meva eina principal i imprescindible de treball, els odiaria profundament! Estic de vacances, em permet aixo odiar-los? ni que sigui per un dia, porfa!!!!

Ja torno a ser a Dubai, despres d'haver viatjat com unes vuit hores, haver sopat i esmorzat de luju i haver vist 'The sound of music' (sonrisas y lagrimas) -Toni, aquesta per tu!!!- i 'Spring snow' (pel.li japonesa). Tambe he dormit una miqueta, pero a l'avio feia un fred que et mories, o sigui que si el dilluns no puc anar a treballar, que sigui culpa dels Emirates, que m'han fet encostipar!!!!


f.u.c.k.i.n.g computer... I've just written a super email in Catalan and English and this f. computer, just at the moment of publishing it, has deleted my wonderful post!!! If I weren't multimedia desinger and computers weren't my main and most important working tool, I'd really hate them! Hey, I'm on holiday, so maybe I'm allowed to hate them? please, just only for one day, I beg you!!!

I'm again in Dubai, like three weeks ago, after travelling roughly eight hours, having had dinner and breakfast and have watched 'The sound of music' -Toni, this one is for you!!!! remember when...- and 'Spring snow', a Japanese movie. I've also slept a little bit, but it was so cold on the aircraft that I almost got frozen!!! Sorry colleagues, but if on Monday I'm ill, it's all Emirates fault, they are alone one and only guilty and responsible entity for my illness!!

dissabte, d’agost 19, 2006

mata ne!

sniff sniff... I'm now at Kansai Airport, it's 10:24 and 10:30 is boarding time. I don't want to leave. Moreover, I don't want to go back to Germany. It's not that I don't like it there, but after three weeks being abroad, I just feel like I want to go back home. Home, with my family, where I can speak my mothertongue. I'm quite tired and have headache and I forgot to send a lot of postcards and I think people here at the airport are not allowed to take postcards from other people. They all denied it, to send them for me. Strange, they were so kind to me until now!

Anyway, I should go now... I'm sad, very sad. If I could, I would take a piece of this land and people with me. Ok, let's do it! I'm taking them in my heart, forever.

Oyasumi nasai, Japan!

divendres, d’agost 18, 2006

des de hiroshima mon amour

ei people, I`m in hiroshima and it rains and rains and rains... typhoon is coming and I hope I can take de shinkansen tonight to Nara... tomorrow at 23.15 plane back to Munic... sniff sniff..
now I`m looking for a gingko tree... people in the tourist office were going crazy because we couldn`t found the temple Roland told me, where the gingko tree actually is... now I`ve found it in the internet and have only one hour to go there and take a picture... I small mission in my trip. Quite exciting!!

I also was by the hair dresser and now I`m another manga/girl!!! quite funny anyway.

Seiko and Tomoe thanks for everything, I miss you a lot!!! sniff sniff

From Hiroshima mon amour! petonets,nuria

By the way, Daniel Lidl, happy birthday, I won`t be able to celebrate your birthday with you all tonight, but I`m looking forward to our party next friday or saturday.

dimarts, d’agost 15, 2006

Mameta, per molts anys!!!!

Estic per Tokyo. Ahir vam estar fent les turistes amb la Seiko i la Tomoe i avui al mati he ant a veure el palau imperial i la Meiji Schrine i dps he quedat amb la Seiko i un amic seu i hem estat voltant per diferents parts de Tokyo fins a acabar en una bar de tapes a Shinbuya. Molt guai. lo de les tapes que no us soni raro, es que a songokulandia anar de tapes es tan tipic com a catalunya!

Dma me`n vaig a casa la Seiko, que viu a una hora de tokyo i farem turisme per alla, la tomoe en teoria tambe vindra (a la millor nome al vespre), ens quedarem a dormir a casa seva i l`endema al mati pillo el tren a les 8 cap a Hiroshima. Llavors si que ja tornare a estar soleta, pero be, nomes fins diumenge, que ja tornare a Augsburg!!!!

ui ui ui... moltes cosetes i ja veieu que poquetes ganes d`explicar-les... son les 10.43, les dutxes tanquen a les 11, el llum a les 11.30 i estic morta, o sigui que faig versio en alemany o angles i me`n vaig a mumir. bona nit!!!!!!!!!!

i`m in Tokyo. Yesterday Tomoe, Seiko and I did sightseeing in Tokyo and today I was in the Imperial Palace and Meiji Schrine and later I met Seiko and a friend of her and we went to different parts of tokyo and finished in Shinbuya, eating tapas!! Tapas are also popular in Japan, but not the spanish ones, but japanese ones!!!

Tomorro I`m going to Seiko`s town, one hour from Tokyo and we`ll do a little bit of sightseeing there, maybe roland, I`ll try to find your ginko tree!!!!!

ei, german people, I need a volunteer to pick me up from the augsburg train station on sunday... :)
sb so kind???

anyway, it`s 10.49 and I still want to take a shower and so on... so good night people, a big kiss, nuria

diumenge, d’agost 13, 2006

la historia del shinchan

Gent gent, que el shinchan germa de la tomoe no es diu com el de la tele... el de la tele es diu shin-nosuke i el seu germa es diu shin-ichi!!!!! aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People people, the brother of tomoe hasn`t the same name as the one on tv... the one on tv is called shin-nosuke and her brother`s name is shin-ichi!!! aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

arigato gozaimasu!

I would like to thank Tina, Anja and Malet. Thank you to introduce me in the work camp world...

gemmeta, ja ho veus, sempre visc les coses mes tard que els altres, pero soc felic perque almenys he tingut l`oportunitat de viure una experiencia com aquesta... ara entenc que fessis work camps cada any... increible. m`ha encantat!

Tina (and Anja), I also want to thank you because in germany you were the two persons who convinced and supported me in my decision of taking part in a work camp. In part it`s because of you that I`m here, so thanks a lot!!!

And Tina and Daniel, I hope you have a great time in Ucraine. Enjoy it a lot and be prepared to make an exchange dinner when you`re back in augsburg!!! looking forward to it!

I also want to thank my parents. Papets, gracies un cop mes per educar/nos com ens vau educar, no se com ho vau fer, pero em sembla que vau fer una bona feina, ja se que segurament no va ser facil... merci, us estimo molt molt molt!!!!! petonets des de japo i espero veure/us aviat a augsburg! mireu/vos lo de lufthansa, que la rosa de tuixent m*ha dit que hi ha vols barats!

Fotos del work camp!

ei, que vam estar tallant bamboos en un bosc de bamboos amb un home de 75 anys (sugitani san) que s`assembla moltissim a l`avi lluis, segurament parents!!!! vam acabar dient/li grandpa!!! aqui el teniu.
people, we cut bamboos in a bamboo forest with its owner, a man of 75 years old (sugitami san) who really looks like my grandfather! hi hi hi!

La Tomoe i jo al bosc de bamboos, fent pausa...
Tomoe and me in the bamboo forest taking a break!

Despres de menjar noodles (nagashi somen) saltarins (que baixaven per troncs de bamboo amb aigua i els haviem de cacar amb palillos), vam fer-nos una foto amb els coreans al pati de l`escola on dormiem.

After eating nagashi somen (jumping noodles), we took a picture with our corean friends in the accomodation playground.

Group picture... last one... sad, very sad to have to say goodbye...

foto de grup, l`ultima... trist, molt trist haver de dir adeu... no! arreveure!

estic a casa de la tomoe i el chinchan!!!!

q fort, q fort! el germa de la tomoe (la camp leader del work camp) es diu chinchan!!! em pixo!!!

anyway, el work camp s`ha acabat... sniff sniff... ha estat genial, la gent increible: coreans, japonesos, el damien de franca, el flo de frankfurt i la ebru de turquia. Tots barrejats, staff i youth, pq la diferencia d`edat no era gaire gran.. molt xul.lo. els locals (gent del poble o de la regio) molt majos tots. Encara que no parlessin gaire angles, simpatics i amb ganes de comunicar/se.

\Tic una mica tristeta que s`hagi acabat, jopines.. home, no es que no vulgui tornar a europa, si que tinc ganes de tornar a schwall, home sweet home, pero no tinc ganes de tornar a treballar!!! m`he passat tots aquests dies a fora, al carrer, dormint a terra de tatami, amb futon, menjant seient al terra, no he utilitzat una cadira en dies, m`he dutxat al riuet (i tb a onsen o banys publics japonesos), he menjat arros per esmorzar, dinar i sopar, mmmm... m`encanta!!! Tara, prepara`t pq em sembla que quan torni nomes menjare japones... :>

pos res, felicito la gent que ha fet els anys, com la Nurieta, Roland, Vanessa, Esther, Ralph, qui mes qui mes... uff uff... bueno, tb als que em deixi. I marieta mameta, si no puc escriure et felicito pel sant en avancat, ok?

molts petonets per tots i com aqui diuen: mata ne i genki dene (cuideu/vos)!!!! i no oblideu que no sabem que pot passar dema, per tant: a disfrutar (com diu sempre el guillem) i carpe diem!!!!

ok, let*s do it in english, sorry german people, can`t no german anymore...

unbelievable,tomoe`s brother`s name is chinchan, like the cartoon`s character!!!! very funny.

anyway, work camp has finished... sniff sniff... it`s been great, people really nice: coreans, japonese, damien from france, flo from frankfurt, ebru from turkey. All together, youth and staff, because the age difference was not so big... super cool (like seiko always says). local people also very nice, specially miki san and joshii! I miss them a lot... Although they can`t speak english very good, they were always willing to comunicate and learn about other cultures.

i`m a little bit sad because the work camp finished... it`s no that I dont want to come back to europe, no no no, I want to be in schwall again, I miss you people a lot, home sweet home, but I don`t want to have to work again!!! All these days I was the whole time outside, in the street, forest or fields, I slept on the ground on tatami ground with a futon, we ate sitting on tatami, I`ve used a chair for ages... I` ve had a shower in the river or spring or in an onsen (Japanese public bath), I`ve eaten rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner, mmmm oishii!!! (delicious in japanese) I like it a lot!!! Tara, be prepared, I think the first days I`m here I will only eat rice and japanese food!!! :>

I also want to gratulate the people whose birthday was in these past days and excuse me if I couln`t gratulate you the day of your birthday, but in japan my mobiles dont work and I had no internet... so: Nurieta, Roland, Vanessa, Esther, Ralph, who else, who else...uff uff... happy birthday to all of you, hope you had a nice birthday. gratulation also to you, maybe I can`t connect on your name`s day.

a lot of kisses for all of you and like the Japanese people say: mata ne (see you) and genki dene (take care)!!! and never forget that we don`t know what will come next, so please... be happy and enjoy your day: carpe diem!!!!!!!!!!!!

missing you all,nuria